quarta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2008

Problemas com os servidores de download!

Os livros de fauna ja estao em um novo servidor.
Obrigado pela paciencia a todos que tentaram e nao conseguiram fazer o Download!


domingo, 30 de novembro de 2008

Livro vermelho da Fauna brasileira ameaçada

a segunda parte do livro

baixar aqui:


aproveitem bem


Livro vermelho da Fauna brasileira ameaçada

Salve !

Baixei do site do MMA os pdfs referentes ao primeiro volume do Livro Vermelho e tomei a liberdade de juntar tudo num unico pdf ja indexado pra facilitar o acesso entre os grupos.
aqui esta o link: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=a13e9d9de5f71456d2db6fb9a8902bda

Em breve eu colocarei aqui tambem o volume dois.




terça-feira, 24 de junho de 2008

Gruta do Largartão

pois é eu e meus amigos ( grupo de jogo, só explicando pra não excluir os "outros amigos"), sempre nos atemos a experiências diferentes, e há algum tempo eu mestrei umas sessões by E-mail pra galera ( não foram bem sucedidas), que deram um incentivo pro Cris, criar a Gruta do Lagartão, uma paródia mortal do desenhinho " A Caverna do Dragão"!

Muitos dos leitores devem estar me perguntando o por que de eu chamar de paródia mortal, então vou explicar, A Gruta como nos carinhosamente chamamos é um mundo de fantasia normalzão tipo Greyhawk ou Forgotten Realms, mas os personagens jogadores somos nos. é Eu o Caco sou um dos personagens da Gruta, e faço o papel de ... Caco, pois é mas na Gruta nos fomos D&D-izados, Logo eu sou o ranger do grupo. Ate aqui vocês já devem ter entendido a parte parodia neh? Então agora vou explicar por que é mortal, bem qualquer encontro que agente tenha lá nesse mundo de fantasia é mortal, e como nós somos nós mesmos, não tem como morrer e fazer outro persona, morreu morreu!

Incrivelmente nos estamos a 63 capítulos sem nenhuma morte, muitos momentos difíceis, quando a noite enquanto catava lenha, o Personagem do Dumas sumiu, e eu quase fui comido por uma planta, o verdadeiro "cumulo do carnivorismo" é quando uma planta come um carnívoro.

Bem tomei a liberdade de fazer um arquivo com a cena 63 pra vocês darem uma olhada, e mesmo sem a permissão do Cris e dos outros ( amigos eu lhes consultarei a respeito na próxima sessão de jogo, na quarta ;] )

Baixe o arquivo PDF da Cena 63 da Gruta aqui!


Ps: em breve vou comentar sobre a nossa outra aventura " nós somos nós mesmos M&M", é isso ai o Caco também é Super Herói!

segunda-feira, 9 de junho de 2008

Cris e seu Tiefling Mago

O Cris é um do meu melhores amigos, o cara é mega talentoso, uns dizem que é por que é alemão, outros por que é dedicado, mas ele é foda mesmo por que é meu amigo!
Brincadeiras a parte, ele é mega companheirão, já viajamos juntos, fizemos festas juntos, comemorando nossas vitorias, e nos ajudando em nossas derrotas ( graças aos Deuses que são poucas)
Como jogador o Cris é ... Bem ele é engenheiro, quando não conhece a regra, não descansa ate conhecer, depois que conhece os mestres precisam tomar muito cuidado, dentre os grandes talentos dele um deles é montar planilhas monstruosas ( dizem que outro é beber Weissbier), acompanhadas de excelente historias, isso faz com que os mestres ( eu) suem a camisa durante o exercício de mestrar.
As mal traçadas linhas abaixo são de autoria dele! com uns retoques meus!

Waterdeep, Segunda cavalgada, primeiro dia do Ano da Mao Flamejante DR 1380.

Recentemente revirando uns livros velhos e poeirentos, na Biblioteca do Colégio de Bardos de New Olann, eu me deparo com um livro de antigas genealogias de nobres famílias da Vila de Amphail eu achei este pequeno manuscrito, originalmente escrito aqui em Ignem, a língua dos elementais do fogo solto entre as paginas, creio que esquecido pelo seu autor, e traduzida por mim numa língua mais usual, muito não a comum, na qual a graça do texto se perderia com certeza.

Mintiper Moonsilver, Bardo

The ones close to me – and they are not many – call me Shay’than. I am known by many things, but the one thing that really defines me is the fact that I am a hell of a wizard… and I mean it literally. But it was not always so…

I came to this world seventeen winters ago in the same way most of the living creatures come, but I did not come from the same place though... I came from somewhere below. I don’t know the whole detailed history yet, all what I have are bits and pieces of a 400 years old legend. I don’t even know if there is someone who has them all, but from what I could piece together I know that I descend from a rare lineage of cursed twins. Unfortunately my twin brother did not step into the world alive. I am a Caradoon, Shaykruth Thanatus Caradoon – which means “of unholy blood” in the auld tongue.

My birth happened in a dark and evil night, especially tragic for my father. Even before I could draw my first breath – yes, I breathe - I lost my entire direct family during this single event. My mother also died while delivering us, my father though… Let’s just state that he never looked at me a second time...

My father was a competent sailor and met my mother at the sea. She was a ranger of the oceans, a beautiful and wild woman tamer of water beasts and depths diver. Together they had many adventures until they decided to settled down and raise a family of their own. Rather ironic that, after surviving the many perils of a life of an adventurer, they were destroyed by their desire of retiring for a more peaceful life… Almost has if it were a curse, yes?

Bannak Caradoon now spends his remaining days as a common fisherman down at the docs, giving away his poor sweated income to drink his memories dry. His twin brother – and my uncle - watches over him from time to time. I also went down there a couple of times to look at the pathetic bastard from a distance, but in the past he made it very clear that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with any of us. I can’t really blame him after looking myself into a mirror…

My uncle and my father are normal people, but my inheritance scars run deep. I was born a tiefling, a half-demon as the common folk uses to throw at me – technically the correct term would be half-devil, but what’d-hell, who cares… Anyway, at the time of my birth I should already seam hideous, but now… My head is crowned by a bunch of unholy horns of many sizes, being the most notorious of them a couple of pointy bones the size of a stretched palm – and the right one is broken, one of my many early life hazards. My hair is fierily-red and untamed. I let it grow wildly like lion’s hair, also down the back of my neck and at the sides of my face. This makes it easier to hide my hellish “crown”. I have to do some effort to stand strait, because it would be more naturally for me to remain in all four – the staff helps. I have a tail, also covered in reddish fur like a fire trail let by a lit arrow shot through the air. I am also hot – at touch - like I had burning magma running through my veins. And my eyes… I have o grim look that could freeze the blood of a paladin knight in the middle of a sunny day. It comes from a pair of golden-yellow eyes like the ones of a fiendish cat. But the touch of the devils brings also other perspectives... Magic - especially the fear and fire spell craft - comes easy to me… As also does evil…

The Caradoons are a cursed lineage. Long ago one of my forefathers – Renwick “Snowcloack” Caradoon – a wicked man full of jealousy of his twin brother’s renown as a great and honored paladin knight of Tyr – The Supremacy of Law - firmed a pact with the devil Yamaral to raise above Samular Caradoon as a powerful wizard. The legend tells that my forefather achieved his goal, but he and his descendants were cursed to have dark and light twins for the rest of eternity... I am one of those… I don’t know which one of those… I think that I am the worst of them. My father and my uncle are only lesser opposites; one is striking competent while the other a blasphemous looser. But I … I am a creature of a lunatic’s nightmare. I imagine that my brother – if he were alive – would have the face of an angel… we will never know, won’t we? Maybe he is now an angel at the place towards which he left… Maybe he looks over me and is the source of the faint lucks of my existence or gives me strength of will for my desire to be good…

I was thought to be good and I want to be… Well, at least I try to be… But I don’t succeed at it fulltime. It is like to go against myself sometimes… I don’t know if it is the curse that runs on my family, my twisted upbringing maybe, or just some coincidental character flaw I have. But the fact is that the anger and hate inside of me – also fear in the past - are strong and consume me like fire now and then. I was partially raised by Briareo Caradoon, the twin brother of my father. As a priest of Mystra, he tried to pass me down his wisdom and his faith. I tried to learn it, but I have incorporated it through a rather more practical approach. I became a wizard - which was also one of his former occupations.

After my birth, Briareo - who was also a traveling wizard at the time - let me under the care of the Waterdeep priests at on of the city monasteries, the default end for most of the city orphans. There I learned the indifference of the adults and the cruelty of the children. In the other hand I also learned quickly how to be independent of others and to survive. I was never much physically strong of build and had to relay on my cunning and wits to get around. But no matter how smart and manipulative I became, eventually I grew to resemble the half-devil in my nature and as soon as the other children were able to discern fantasy from reality, my appearance made it impossible to continue the delicate peaceful coexistence. After some gruesome events at the monastery – shattering horns in other people’s faces and alike - my uncle was contacted by the priests and requested to take me out of the institution.

Briareo – to whom I will be eternally grateful - finally decided that his nomad days were over and retired to dedicate himself to his faith – and later also to me. He became a fulltime priest of Mystra and took me to live in the temple of the goodness of magic with him. First - as I was used to - I spent my days hiding from the majority of the intelligent beings in the temple like an outcast, disdaining from authority and discipline, stealing and harassing to survive, making use of the company of rats and insects. I can surly be blamed for many of the rumors that spread about devils and demons that were breed in the secret and dark rooms of the temple at the time.

Though, as soon as my supernatural blood and talents for the arcane arts manifested, Briareo placed me under his own formal guidance and presented me with something to be proud of. After this I regained my dignity and the desire to live amongst the evolved minds of the temple. I studied languages, history and the secrets of the arcane. I became cult and educated. Religion was also broadly discussed. The high priest Meleghost Starseer - a minor magister of Mystra and headmaster of The House of Wonder - made use of it to try to teach me how to be good and kind, but mainly, to teach me how to coexist in harmony with others - a most difficult task to accomplish due to my appearance and temper.

I never learned alone. I was always obligated to share my time with others, especially a young human called Andrew - who has very little talent for the Art. Even Ed – Andrew’s younger and twisted brother - could learn it faster. But rubbing this fact on Andrew’s face would be… Evil…

I still spend most of my time at the House of Wonder learning and studying, although coming natural to me, Magic is still the most complex thing to master. But I visit other places… eventually. The city libraries - for example - for books and tomes in the restricted sections, were I got to know Ealanthir Hawksong, a young elven priest of Corellon with whom I enjoy to discuss – tease actually - religion and linguistics. His view of the world is some how too optimist and colorful to me, but he also knows loss… His father Angrod died some years ago of some convulsive disorder – epilepsy or alike. Ealanthir’s mother in the other hand, Alassea – who actually looks more like his sister – is the most “visually challenging” creature I ever put my eyes on. Alassea is a talented musician and singer. She teaches at the New Olamn´s Bardic College and works as an entertainer bard at The House of Good Spirits - a tavern, inn and brewery guild of some sort - also one of the places I use to visit with some periodicity for obvious reasons…

The House of Good Spirits is an interesting place. Hardly the place I would choose to spend my whole life in like some, but interesting – mainly because of its customers. I almost don’t feel as an outcast there... almost. Two of them to whom I hold now kind of a… “Companionship” are the already mentioned Ed – the little brother of the envious Andrew - and the never-shutting-up of a Halfling Nibelin Paradin Paradan – Gosh! Even his name gives me headaches sometimes. The first is a major depressive human bodyguard. Human by birth, because based on his appearance - his features were disfigured by some sort of corrosive attack - one could place him in a category very related to mine… I think that this is indeed the major fact that makes us go along with each other relatively well. He can speak to me frankly, independently of the way I look. He is very rude and uneducated, but his stories of fights with his beloved spiked chain are inspiring and bring me closer to the local common folk. The young man’s own story in the other hand is a sad tale... Maybe too dramatic to be entirely true, but even if only part of it is based on reality; it would already be tragic enough. We have that in common... Now the Halfling, he is the complete opposite case… At first I found him annoyingly communicative and loudly inconvenient. Obviously he approached me and Ed only because of our frightful presence. I guess it was to avoid some aggressive negotiations of his with the local “nightly commerce”, but after a while – right a moment after I had decided to burn him alive and feed his ashes to the crows - he made me laugh… That is a rare accomplishment – smiles happen eventually for good or bad, but a laugh is a total different story - Now he is almost welcome… most of the times (I am sure I will regret this words some day). But Nibelin is also useful, he manages to “come up” with very difficult-to-get-items from time to time. Getting back to the point though, The House of Good Spirits brings me good spirits indeed. It was neither once nor twice that I left the place nearing sunrise…

It is a blessing for me that Waterdeep is this huge city which never sleeps. When I go somewhere I like to do it at night. In the dark it is easier to disguise my true nature and if spotted, it is more appropriate for turning down most of the upcoming threats based on my dreadfully look, grumpy behavior and mysterious reputation – as there is no remedy for it, at least I work hard to make them useful to me. But nowadays I can hardly be considered helpless. If a real threat eventually comes up it is managed through fear and fire craft which, as I already stated, come as natural to me as writing this words… The real problem through, is to restrain myself during these exciting moments and avoid becoming… Who everyone else imagines I will eventually become…

And here we get to the main point of this journal. It is an exercise for me to feel more… human. One who talks to himself, but still part human. I am a divided being actually. I feel it to my cursed bones and I know that I will only be at peace after I am whole… People keep calling me half-demon, but I like to look at it also in the other way around. It means that I am also half-human in some point and they choose to raise only the evil part of it. As my devil heritage brought me this evil nature, my human side brings me also their free will. If they have a choice I have a choice… Am I a creature of good or evil? I say both… for now… But the one side that is stronger will eventually end up devouring the other. Which? It will depend on a choice that is still ahead of me… Which of them is the stronger side? Obviously, the one I’ll keep feeding…

domingo, 8 de junho de 2008

D&D Game World Day - Curitiba

Sábado dia 7, típico tempo Curitibano, meio calor, meio frio, no meio da estação, Itiban Comic Shop providenciou espaço e mestres pra mais de 50 pessoas poderem participar oficialmente do D&D Game World Day 2008.

A loja abre as 10:00, mas lá pelas nove já tinha gente la esperando pra jogar, e ganhar os brindes, alias, nota dez pra Mitie que procura sempre premiar os jogadores e mestres alem do material enviado pela wizards. Mas nem tudo são rosas, teve gente que reclamou ter se inscrito mas como não pegou as primeiras mesas ficou sem brinde, fazer o que né paciência! Fica aqui uma humilde recomendação pros futuros eventos, se pré-inscrever ou informa das possibilidades, ou garante a quem fez a inscrição antecipadamente a participação adequada ( ou seja garantia de brindes).

A aventura, achei legal ela, meio panca pro nível dos jogadores, já percebi pela aventura ( a tão mal falada do Dia D RPG), que o sistema não favorece aventuras prontas pra iniciantes, acrescento ainda a bola fora da Devir em não traduzir os personagens, já é muito difícil explicar, mesmo que sucintamente todo um novo conjunto de regras, mas parar todo momento pra ler os poderes pros jogadores foi matador!
O destaque dos Killing points foram pras mesas cujo os grupos tiveram que enfrentar as famigeradas estátuas de pedra, AC alto e hit points intermináveis, se você somar as dificuldades outras do encontro, tipo inimigo final, seus asseclas e um possível espírito maligno que aparecia a todo instante ... bem parabéns a quem sobreviveu.

Os jogadores se esforçaram, e com boa vontade somente o rogue morreu!

Vamos ao encontro com o famigerado dragão branco, como foi anunciado no inicio da mesa, quem derrotasse o dragão, a peça seria sorteada no grupo!
Parabéns ao espírito esportivo dos meninos que jogaram comigo, eles ate tentaram, fizeram gloriosos 34 pontos de dano no dragão, mas não era mais RPG, era um cenário do D&D Miniatures, e como tal eu fui cruel e ataquei o grupo sem dó, quem já colocou seu time contra mim na mesa, já sabe que eu não sou fraquinho na estratégia, Resultado TPK.

Lógico que como esse blog também é pra minha família, o destaque vai pro meu filhão, o Lucas eles na mesa dele derrotaram o dragão e ele foi o sorteado na peça, esse garoto vale ouro!

bem foi isso! ( quando falar com a Mitie posto aqui umas fotos do evento!).

sexta-feira, 6 de junho de 2008

Dumas e seu Elfo Clérigo

O Dumas é um dos últimos caras que entraram no grupo, mas o cara é muito gente boa, parceiro pra qualquer coisa, quase sempre de ótimo humor e falando em humor bem nesse grupo quem não tem não se cria.
Ai na Foto ele ta com a filhota mais velha, a Rafa

Ealanthir Hawksong - Clérigo de Corellon

Quando cheguei em Waterdeep, meu pai era quem provia tudo dentro de casa através de seu oficio de artesão, eu o ajudava nos serviços que ele tinha pra fazer e comecei a aprender um pouco sobre gemas e cristais. Minha mãe se apresentava esporádica, mente em uma ou outra taverna, mais pelo prazer do que pelo dinheiro. Quando ele morreu as coisas ficaram um pouco complicadas, mas minha mão resolveu rapidamente começando a dar aula na escola de bardos e fazendo apresentações com mais frequência em tavernas da cidade.

Eu fiquei triste e comecei a frequentar o templo de Corellon, procurei incentivado por minha mão a frequentar bibliotecas da cidade em busca de livros e historias para ocupar meu tempo e dissipar a tristeza pela morte de meu pai. Através dessas visitas a bibliotecas comecei a fazer serviços esporádicos de traduções do idioma élfico para o idioma comum. Meu interesse em línguas aumentou quando percebi que muitos textos perdiam parte de suas emoções e conhecimentos nas traduções. Minha mãe começou a me ensinar outras línguas que ela conhecia e eu fui atrás de aprender outras línguas na própria biblioteca.
Em paralelo aos meus serviços e treinamentos no templo de Corellon, tornei-me um tradutor em vários idiomas, trabalho que faço com frequência.

Esse é um preview da historia dele, logo adicionaremos a ficha e a figura do personagem alem de alguns detalhes RPGísticos

ate a próxima pessoal

Minha nova campanha de D&D 4th ...

Bem, como primeiro post não poderia ser de outro assunto que não RPG!

Estou começando uma nova campanha de no sistema D&D 4th edition ela será baseada em Waterdeep ou se preferirem a horrenda tradução de nomes próprios da DEVIR. Águas Profundas, no Cenário de Forgotten Realms.

daqui por diante vocês lerão muitos posts relacionados sobre este assunto, mas também sobre as coisas que eu gosto alem do RPG, meus diferentes hobbies, minha família representados no titulo pelos meus filhos, pra quem não sabe eu tenho três e o quarto ta chegando! E biologia, principalmente entomologia por quem tenho um grande apreço, e por fim os causos!

espero que vocês se divirtam em vir aqui acompanhar os lançamentos do mundo RPGístico entre outras novidades tanto minhas como dos meus amigos.
